Today 22/05/2014 there was a meeting among Somali Disabilities NGOs, Federal Goverment of Somalia and UN agencies,

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Today 22/05/2014 there was a meeting among Somali Disabilities NGOs, Federal Goverment of Somalia and UN agencies, like UNHCR,.UNMAS,UNSOM human rights, and African Mission in Somali (AMISOM) @ Amisom VIP HALL, ‪#‎Mogadishu‬

The agenda was the flows five articles ,

1. Strengthening national mechanisms and provision of an integrated and effective support to mine/ERW victims and Persons With Disabilities (PWD) in general through Coordination, National Strategy and National Work Plan development

2. Needs assessment and provision of technical support for sociology-economic
Reintegration of landmine/ERW victims and PWDs in general;

3. Data collection.

4. Advocacy in order to better understand challenges of PWDs within their Respective communities and reduce the stigma toward the PWDs.

5. Support of the PWDs through variety of interventions in the fields of: Medical care, Physical rehabilitation services, Psychological support, Social reintegration, Economic empowerment.1


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