Somali Victim Assistance Assessment Report 2018 By Unmas

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By: Dr. Rebecca Roberts

This report was commissioned by the United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) Somalia and the Somali Explosive Management Authority (SEMA) to identify gaps in assistance to victims of explosive hazards which the mine action sector could help to fill. It examines support to victims of explosive hazards within the context of support to persons with disabilities (PwD) and their families. It draws on research conducted from mid-September to mid-December through document review, discussions via Skype and in-person with over 100 national and international stakeholders, and visits to the Federal Member States (FGS). The methodology adopted a gendered, inclusive and participatory approach to provide as representative a picture as possible, although insecurity and time constraints restricted how and where research could be conducted. Unless otherwise stated, the contents of this report is based on the views and information provided by respondents. Victim Assistance is one of the five mine action pillars articulated in the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APBMC), the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) and related policy documents and UN Resolutions. The victim assistance concept is compatible with the social model of disability which focuses on removing the barriers preventing persons with disabilities from participating fully in socioeconomic life, and the rights-based model of disability promoted through the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Mine action is regarded as an enabler of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) which have specific references to persons with disabilities. The legal and policy framework for victim assistance and assistance to persons with disabilities promotes inclusivity, equal access and appropriate gender and age interventions. The mine action sector, comprising local and international partners, is coordinated by SEMA. Currently, the sector is not active in victim assistance and does not have strong links with the disability sector or stakeholders outside the mine action sector. Coordination and information sharing within SEMA and among mine action stakeholders is inconsistent. Victim assistance is holistic and includes medical care, rehabilitation, psychosocial support, and socioeconomic inclusion for the survivors and families that have lost relatives or are caring for relatives as a result of an explosives hazard incident, as well as affected communities. The comprehensive approach to victim assistance and support to persons with disabilities involves multiple sectors. The mine action sector contributes primarily to victim assistance through the collection of casualty data and advocating for support to victims from other sectors and from donors. Somalia is a States Party to the relevant mine action instruments and signed the CPRD in October 2018 so there is a strong framework and mandate for promoting victim assistance and the rights of persons with disabilities.

Please more details of this report download PDF here; unmas_victim_assistance_report_2018.pdf 

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