SODEN strongly condemns the discriminative and exclusion remarks of the Custodial Corps Official, Gen. Mahad Abdirahman Aden during his address to custodial cop’s forces.

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Prerss Release:

MOGADISHU (11/11/2019) In recent years, Somali Disability Empowerment Network (SODEN) in partnership with development partners and with the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), Federal Member States (FMSs) and Banaadir Regional Administration (BRA) has been leading a revolutionary change in approaching persons with disabilities, nationally, to close the protection gap and ensure that persons with disabilities enjoy the same standards of equality, rights and dignity as everyone else.

Persons with disabilities face discrimination and social barriers that restrict them from participating in society on an equal basis with others every day. Persons with disabilities have, however, remained largely ‘invisible’, often side-lined in the rights debate and unable to enjoy the full range of human rights. Their rights are denied, socially and politically excluded with employment barriers and are not able to enjoy the social protection and to access justice nationally.

The International Convention of United Nations on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities offers sufficient standards of protection for the civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights of persons with disabilities on the basis of inclusion, equality and non-discrimination. It makes clear that persons with disabilities are entitled to live independently in their communities, to make their own choices and to play an active role in society.

Somali Disability Empowerment Network (SODEN) strongly condemns the discriminative and exclusion remarks of the Custodial Corps Official, Gen. Mahad Abdirahman Aden during his address to custodial cops’ forces. He mentioned that they can be patient to old individuals with skills and instructed persons with disability to quit serving the custodial cops. It is worth mentioning that these persons lost their parts of their bodies while serving the nation. Gen. Mahad deliberately violated the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and SODEN calls for immediate reaction from the offices of the President and Prime Minister of the Federal Government of Somalia and encourages the international partners to hold Custodial Corps accountable to the discriminatory and hatred remarks against persons with disabilities.

Somali Disability Empowerment Network (SODEN) encourages the country’s authorities to accelerate and process of implementation a treaty safe-guarding and promoting the rights of people with disabilities as there is no existing national or legal policy framework regarding people with disabilities.

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