Mogadishu: SODEN Has Held An Event Of Celebrating The International Day Of Persons With Disabilities 2015

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Mogadishu: SODEN Has Held An Event Of Celebrating The International Day Of Persons With Disabilities
The event has been attended by lots of people with different roles mainly including highly-respected people in the community, the Disabled Community Associations, disabled people together with their parents, members of the government officials and a few to mention. Among the high-ranking government officials who have attended the event organized by SODEN is Mrs. Sahra Ali Samatar, the minister of Human Rights, Eng. Salah Osman, the minster of Public works and Reconstruction and Mr. Nuh, the minister of Youth and Sports.

The representatives of many Political Parties of the Somali country also came to the event with lots of moral support and appreciations from them, the Civil Society also took their part in attending the event and many more different local Media were also the part of the history in the celebration of the event.

Moahmed SYL
Mohamed Ali Farah Director of SODEN

All of the attended people have had their different says of appreciations in the event. The opening remarks of the event were welcomed to Mohamed Ali Farah who is the organizer of the event and the head of the Somali Disability Empowerment Network (SODEN).

Mohamed Ali Farah said in his remarks: “As we are the disabled people, we are always determined to help the other disabled people in the society ESPECIALLY to help the disabled children receive their equality among others in education and in every aspect of life.”

He also gave his wholeheartedly thanks to ADRASOM for enabling the successful happening of the event and said, “We are very thankful to each and every one who helped in the success of this event especially ADRASOM and NORAD for their aid in achieving success in the celebrating of this event. We are also very thankful to everyone who came and attended this beautiful event.”

Panel Discussion Minter of Youth with PWDs
Panel Discussion Minter of Youth with PWDs

A penal Discussion was held during the event celebration in which the minister of Youth and Sports and the disabled attendants participated in it. It was mainly focused on how the role of the disabled youth would be in the development of the country in which questions were raised to the minister and eventually the minister answered the questions asked by each one.

giving mobility aid
giving mobility aid

baby boy

Mr. Nuh, the minister of Youth and Sports also had his briefs at the event and said: “In our policy of youth, there comes the equality of all young society both the abled and the disabled in the Somali country.

He concluded his remarks by saying that: the disabled youth will ask their consultations and services when it comes to the development of the country.”

Minstr of Public works Eng. Salah

Eng. Salah, the minister of Public Works and Reconstruction also had his say at the event and said: “All people are equal, all human being are dignified under the Islamic religion and international law. As we are the Somali government, we are by the sides of people with special needs. As a minister and as a person, I will have my best potentiality to help those with special needs.

Minster of Human rights

Mrs. Sahra Samatar, the minister of Human Rights said in her speech at the event: “As we are the government of Somalia, we will focus on how to sign and pass the international law of Disability.” She also gave her thanks to SODEN and its donors for organizing this event and everyone who helped in its success.

Hal 1fiqi



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