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Mr Abdi Kadar was born in southern part of Somalia HIRRAN  He started he’s journey to travel all the way from he’s birth country Somalia to South Africa on March 2, 2011 he arrived on coastal port city of Cape Town.

He was so fascinated the beauty of the city and optimistic to start he’s first fundamental success of he’s invention to be entrepreneur self employed with the help of he’s older Brother Mr. ABDI RISAK and member of he’s family member.

He build he’s empire to own a small shop in informal settlement summer green Millerton district west coast of Cape Town hub,

Unfortunately on 17 January 2015 was shot at he’s shop with three robbery and took everything which was valuable to them and left him as a dead man laying on the floor,

But he survived when the police arrived at the. Scene and member of he’s family they took him to hospital after operation the doctors explained to he’s elder brother the bullet damaged he’s Spinal cord and he will never walk again for the rest of he’s life,

It was too  difficult to accept the bad news .after he’s being discharge from the hospital he was transferred to rehabilitation center where I meet him and discuss he’s disability and I over Concealing and encourage him to continue he’s rehabilitation.

After three month he has being discharge from the rehabilitation center after five month living with he’s disability and mobile reader wheelchair he gained he’s sensation and improved he’s

Movement and I was so happy to share the good news although I was coordinating to he’s health.

After year of he’s incident Mr. Abdikadar fully independent and use walking frame and he’s back to he’s normal life and he’s eager to challenge to became a successful business man.

In South Africa this case is not the first case or second but a lot of Somalis migrant there, who started to open a new life in South Africa where gunshot some of them where died while others become disabled after they injured a spinal cord. Those become Spinal cord injury returned to their home country where they escaped their life earlier.

SODEN will publish such this articles who are the victims of South African robbers.

Resourced Abdikadir Shukri . SA

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