MOGADISHU 25th August 2015. A highly-organized and well-prepared ceremony of motivational and achievement award has been held today in S.Y.L hotel. The main purpose of the ceremoney was to give awards to the figures and associations that stood helping their disabled brothers and sisters in order to motivatae them keeping on their noble activities. The ceremony has happened as organized and the awards have been presented to special and deserved figures.
The ceremony was attended by lots of high ranking government officials including the deputy prime minister, ministers, members of the parliament, ambassodors, and disability associations, civil society organizations, guests from the Somali elders and so many special guests.
The opening remarks of the ceremony were welcomed with Mrs. Hafsa Haghi Elmi who is the chairlady EADA and she organized this ceremony. She first thanked everyone who is always there to help their disabled Somali people. She also strongly talked about job opportunities created for the disabled people in order to make them part of the society. And he concluded his remarks by telling the whole Somali people to change their attitudes towards the disabled people.
The minister for women and human rights, Mrs. Zahra Ali Zamatar was among the attendants of the ceremony. She also had her say in the ceremony.
Zahra said, “Somalia has to take and accept the International Disability Act. We are now in the process of establishing that policy and we will soon forward it to the president for approval. The time has come for us to help the disabled people and can’t ignore it anymore.”
Dr. Hawa, the minister for Health also had her say in the ceremony. The highest ranking officer at the ceremony was the Deputy Prime minister of the Somali government, Mr. Mohamed Omar Arte Qaalib. He also gave an important and mostly a promising speech at the stage. He was nominated to give awards to the special figures that were waiting to be awarded. He strongly encouraged equal participation of the whole society in the country with any discrimination being made. “We have to keep eyes on our disabled people and stand together to help them. ” said by Mr. Qaalib.
Many more people with special titles have had their speeches at the ceremony. Lastly the Deputy prime minister has the motivational awards to the deserved figures. Among the awarded ones is Mohamed Ali Farah, a self-employed disabled activist who always speaks for those whose voices can’t be heard. The ceremony was concluded with in a beautiful way.